West MacDonnell Ranges- Glen Helen Gorge

Our next destination was the Glen Helen Homestead Lodge with nearby Gorge, where a salad smorgasbord lunch awaited us.    20170828_114951.jpg


20170828_115141.jpgA Northern Territory tourism website presents better photos of the Glen Helen Gorge and site than I took; go here for a good look.

An interpretation panel welcomed us to the area.  20170828_115223.jpg

20170828_115251.jpgThe Homestead was basic and further reinforced the idea that a Resort is not necessarily 5 star glamour. The spectacle is the landscape and the Gorge.  I ate lunch outside the Homestead facing the massive cliff with the Finke River at its feet, with my back to the building – and I felt I was in the landscape. Grand. Wonderful!20170828_115640.jpg
